Design & Technology at North Ferriby

Design and Technology Statement of Intent

The Core Christian values at North Ferriby Church of England Primary School are Courage, Friendship, Perseverance and Respect. These values underpin our curriculum and enrich all aspects of our pupils’ education. Our curriculum prepares children for the future by developing Heathy and Safe, Trusting, Enterprising and Creative members of the local community. Embedded within our teaching and learning are opportunities for the pupils to understand the meaning and significance of the Christian faith.

At North Ferriby Church of England Primary School the Design and Technology curriculum aims to engage our pupils through a broad range of practical experiences.  We aim to create innovative designs which solve real and relevant problems within a variety of different contexts. The design process is fundamental and runs throughout the curriculum. This process encourages children to identify real and relevant problems, critically evaluate existing products and then take risks and innovate when designing and creating solutions to a problem. As part of the design process, time is built in to reflect, evaluate and improve prototypes using designated design criteria. Opportunities are provided for children to evaluate key events and individuals who have helped shape the world, showing the real impact of design and technology on the wider environment and helping to inspire children to become the next generation of innovators

The Teaching of Design & Technology Through a Structured Process

All pupils at Ferriby have access to a broad, balanced and enriching Design & Technology curriculum through a spiral designed scheme of work with the following key principles in mind:

Cyclical: Pupils return to the key areas again and again during their time at North Ferriby.

Increasing Depth: Each time a key area is revisited it is covered with greater complexity.

Prior Knowledge: Upon returning to each key area, prior knowledge is utilised so pupils can build upon previous foundations, rather than starting again

Where possible, key Design & Technology units are allocated into linked curriculum themes or taught as discreet areas. The planning of the D&T units ensures that knowledge builds over time and is introduced in an order that enables pupils to build their knowledge of important concepts throughout their time at North Ferriby. The Design & Technology Long Term Plan (LTP) outlines the units to be covered by each year group.

Progression of Knowledge through the Year /Examples of unit plans

    Impact of Design & Technology at North Ferriby

    Our Design and Technology curriculum allows pupils to combine practical, creative and reflective skills allowing them to become discriminating and informed consumers and innovators.

    “I like designing structures that are aesthetically pleasing and selecting materials that meet the required needs.”

    Jennifer, Year 3

    “After making my structure, I understand that the shape of a structure affects its strength.”

    Alexander, Year 2

    “After making my WW2 torch, it was essential that we tested and evaluated the final product was fit for purpose.”

    Ollie, Year 6

    “My electrical Earth model used a series circuit, incorporating a motor linked to a Crumble kit.”

    Polly, Year 5