Friends of North Ferriby School (FONFS)

North Ferriby is lucky to have a very passionate and active Parents’ Association (PA) group (FONFS – Friends of North Ferriby) that has been an integral part of our school community for many years. Each year, with the help of the school and the local community, they raise thousands of pounds to fund new equipment, resources, events and school trips which help to enrich our children’s time at the school. Without this additional financial support many of the events would not be possible.

As a parent/guardian at North Ferriby, you are very much welcome to become a member of the PA group with grandparents, other family members, carers and friends to get involved too.

FONFS is not simply about fundraising but bringing the whole community together. It’s a great way for parents to get to know each other, a fantastic way to get involved in school life and make a contribution in making North Ferriby the amazing school it is. Much of their work helps to bridge the gap between home and school through the varied social events, and we firmly believe that a stronger parent community offers our children a more supportive, welcoming and enjoyable environment to learn in.

The gallery below shows examples of just a few of the fabulous events that FONFS have been involved in.

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